Dog Training

When you first welcome your new puppy into your home, you might be surprised at how often they evacuate their bladder. This

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House training is an essential step in raising a puppy. Successful potty training will teach a puppy to respect their space, and

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Is there anything more cute and cuddly than a puppy? That’s a rhetorical question… of course there isn’t! Which is why, as

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There are hundreds and thousands of pros to adding a puppy to your family. They will light up your life in ways

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Puppies. They’re adorable, boisterous, cheeky little things but we wouldn’t change them for the world. You’ll never find a pet more loyal

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Getting a new puppy is an amazing experience for every family and being able to play and cuddle with them throughout all

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When it’s cold and snowing outside, all we want to do is cuddle up on the couch with our favorite blanket and

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It’s no secret that puppies chew everything. From shoes to toys to furniture, if your puppy can at least try to wrap

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Training a puppy can be a challenge at the best of times, even when you know how much work it’s going to

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There are a huge variety of behaviours or tricks that you can teach a dog, however as many of us know tricks

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For most of us, our dog is our family – and it is only natural that you want to show your love

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A new puppy is an exciting addition to any family – but it can also be a little overwhelming, especially if this

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Getting a new puppy is an exciting time for everyone.  Time is spent choosing the perfect breed for your lifestyle, names are

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It’s no secret that walking is beneficial for dogs and humans alike, and is a great way to socialize your pet, expose

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 Is there anything better in this world than a puppy?  The covid-19 pandemic saw a further rise in new pet owners, many

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When it comes to puppies, you will realize that they are constantly learning. Whether it’s from your training, socialization with other dogs

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The French Bulldog is an immensely lovable furry friend. With their bat-like ears and naturally affectionate nature they make the ideal human

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Dogs are very smart and can learn a lot from us, but they also have their own way of learning things. One

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How would you like to have a dog who loves you unconditionally? How about a dog who is always eager to please?

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Training a dog can seem like a daunting task but with patience and some basic knowledge, you are putting yourself in a

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When it comes to playing in the park, fetch is one of the most popular games to play with your precious pooch.

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Dogs are known to be very loyal animals. They love their owners unconditionally and they are always ready to give them a

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Dogs are known for their ability to communicate through body language and facial expressions. They also have a very keen sense of

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Dogs are incredibly smart animals. They can learn a lot in just minutes of training. Not only is it important to train

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Owning a dog can be one of the most wonderful experiences that life has to offer, but it comes with work. The

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If you want to take your dog out and about with you while shopping or visiting a friend, you will want to

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Dogs are very smart animals. They are able to communicate with humans through body language and facial expressions. Teaching them to obey

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When you first bring your puppy home, they’re going to need training in a variety of different ways. Puppy biting is very

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When it comes to dogs pulling sleds, people automatically picture Huskies, but there are several other breeds which can actually be taught

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Having a dog is such a pure joy isn’t it? However, it is not without its challenges. Those first few months with

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In an age of perpetual violence and continual uncertainty, teaching your dog to become a guard dog is a necessary way to

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One of life’s greatest joys is having a dog. As soon as you bring a puppy or dog into your home, you’ll

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There are lots of stages involved in training a dog, from the basic ‘sit’ and ‘stay’ to more complex commands. Training your

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Training your dog to sleep in their own bed can be a challenging feat for any dog owner, and if you’re struggling

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Whether you have a herding dog breed, or you want your dog to unlock some of its natural herding instincts and behaviors,

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Installing a dog door is convenient for you in a lot of ways, as it allows your dog to let themselves in

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If you have a dog, then you already know how intelligent they are. They are able to learn so many commands and

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So, there is the classic saying that ‘you can’t teach an old dog new tricks,’ and from this you would naturally assume

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It can be fun to teach your dogs skills and tricks. After all, these tricks can be fun to show off to

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Sometimes, it can feel a little disheartening when you have a dog that you’re just struggling to train. You may feel like

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One of the many responsibilities of owning a dog is to make sure they grow into a well-behaved, friendly pet. The best

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Dogs are one of the most common household pets in America and across the world. Over 63 million households across the US

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Picture this: you say your dog’s favorite four-letter word (W-A-L-K) and he comes bounding towards you. After putting his harness on him,

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Dogs love to be trained, as they love learning new things and pleasing their owners. Teaching your dog tricks can also be

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Border Collies are a very popular breed and can make wonderful family pets. They are adorable as puppies and grow up into

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Traditionally, hunters have used dogs to assist in sneaking up on prey and yielding a better quality as well as quantity of

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There are few things more frustrating as a dog owner than a dog who barks at just about everything and everyone. Therefore,

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Every hunter knows that there will be times when the deer runs away through the forest after it has been shot. Sometimes

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Have you ever struggled with a dog that doesn’t want to be in the car, resulting in a nightmarish journey? This happens

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Yorkshire Terriers, or “Yorkies” as they’re often known, are one of the most popular breeds of dog in the world. Mainly a pristine

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Dogs are wonderful companions. However, if they are untrained, then they can pose a lot of problems for you. This is why

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When it comes to dog training, there are a lot of things that need to be taken into consideration. Before we begin

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The dream of every new dog owner is a well-disciplined pup that can be trusted in any situation. However, in reality, the

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If you’ve got a new puppy or dog, one of the first things that they will have to learn is their name.

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Dogs that suffer from disabilities or bad health conditions tend to be quickly abandoned or sent to shelters, sometimes even put down,

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Going out on a walk is a great way for you to bond with your dog, enjoy the outdoors, and have time

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Most new dog owners assume that toilet training their beloved pet will be an easy, stress-free experience. However, the length of time

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Dogs enter our worlds and our hearts and just change them forever. You wouldn’t want to be without your furry friend, but

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It’s not always sunshine and rainbows with some dogs. Some may have been abandoned, not trained properly or even abused, which can

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The dream of every new dog owner is a well-disciplined pup that can be trusted in any situation. However, in reality, the

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If you have a dog that suffers with stress or anxiety, you might be racking your brain to find ways in which

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Dogs have become man’s best friend, despite the fact that they used to play an important role as guard dogs and hunters.

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One of the many common misconceptions about dogs is that when a dog is wearing a muzzle, it’s a cruel method designed

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Whilst a dog’s excessive barking can be an annoyance, if there is no underlying problem and he just likes to bark all

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Having a dog is one of life’s  pleasures. If you’re a lover of man’s best friend, you’ll understand that pets become one

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Schutzhund training is a sport that concentrates on a dog’s obedience, protection skills, and lastly a dog’s capability of tracking. If you

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If you’re wanting to get a dog, one of the first options you should consider is adoption. Not only because there are

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Expert bird dogs do not grow on trees.  Sure, they may have been through generations of selective breeding in order to optimize

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One of the first things you need to know about before having a dog is the importance of training. Training should start

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The vast majority of dogs are relatively easy to train, considering they’ll do just about anything for a tasty treat. Whether that’s

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If you’ve ever looked into any kind of dog training techniques, there’s a good chance you’ve heard of terms like positive reinforcement,

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When it comes to training your dog, there are a few things that are kind of like unwritten rules, and you do

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When you first get your dog or puppy home, they will need training in a variety of different ways. If you’ve never

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Having a dog is a wonderful thing. They’re your best friend, your closest companion, and guaranteed they’ll follow you around wherever you

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Having a dog is great fun, but it does come with some challenges. For instance, there is a lot of training involved

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Having a dog or puppy is so much fun, and they can bring so much happiness into our lives. What’s not so

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As puppies, dogs that nip and bite when excited are super cute, and as their teeth are still small, it’s nothing but

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If your canine is prone to growling at strangers, it can be a frustrating experience. Especially when introducing them to potential new

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Our dogs are our best friends, and we never want to be away from them. If you’re a very active person, and

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When you drive your dog to a new and exciting location, does he bounce up and down with excitement or shiver in

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Most dogs have a natural hunting instinct, meaning they’re always ready to pounce on something they see as a tasty meal, regardless

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If you have ever read anything about police dogs, then you have probably heard the rumor that police dogs are trained in

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Rally training, also known as Rally Obedience, is a team sport for dogs that has become increasingly popular over the years. If

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If you’re worried about coyotes encroaching on your territory where your pets roam free or where you keep valuable livestock, then it

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If you’ve ever seen a movie with a wolf in it, then you’ve probably heard and seen the iconic image of a

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Dogs are funny little creatures. They all have their own personalities that make them so loveable. Your dog could be bashful, affectionate,

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Stand-up paddleboards, also known as SUP, have become increasingly popular as recreational equipment, and they are a lot of fun. They’re perfect

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As dog-owners, we love our dogs. We love our dogs so much that we are willing to overlook their revolting behavior and

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If you have an extended family in the way of a canine companion, then you’ll understand what a joy it is to

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If you have ever watched Flyball, it can be fun yet it is confusing as it happens so fast. This is a

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If you have a farm or a backyard full of chickens, and you want some help with keeping them protected and in

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When most people think about the experience of hunting with dogs, they think of small or big game hunting, which involves tracking

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We all know that dogs are great at learning tricks and commands. This is why dogs have proven to be such popular

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When it comes to dog collars, there are all sorts of types and designs, some created with specific purposes or training activities

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Did you know that you can teach your dog directions, such as left and right. It isn’t as difficult as it may

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